We're happy to welcome Yuanyuan to the ESMB. She'll be working with us and Professor Robert Henderson, using state-of-the-are SPAD arrays for single-molecule detection.
Part of our group visited Swansea for the British Biophysics Society Biennial Meeting 2024. Awesome science combined with a beautiful venue! We all really enjoyed hearing about all the advances in biophysics research being made in the UK (and abroad!). Looking forward to the 2026 meeting, and the poster flash talks as a new addition to the programme. Thanks to the Society for organising.
Huge congratulations to Zuzanna, who won a prize for presenting her work on fluorogenic peptides for super-resolution microscopy. The talk was part of the ASN meeting, which is specifically aimed at early career analytical scientists. It also gave Tianxiao the opportunity to present his first poster on detecting cryptic exons.
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